Sprint.com: Increase Customer Engagement On Homepage


The redesigned homepage led to 22% increase in order conversion rate, 4% increase in time on site and 12% decrease in bounce rate.



  1. Understand what kind of information do users look for on a homepage of wireless network provider.
  2. Ensure the homepage conveys the value of being a customer and provides easy touch points for users to explore what they want.
  3. Create a positive impact regarding the brand through the homepage amongst users.

What I did

Conducted a mixed methods study to evaluate the existing homepage (live as of 4/5/2019) to identify

  1. What are the pros and cons of the layout?
  2. What information do users find missing?
  3. How better can we improve the user experience of the page?

Later, we worked through three iterations of the homepage design. The first two rounds, we focused on creating the design and testing the layout through a series of click tests, think out loud tasks and surveys. After data analysis in each round, the team gathered for a working session to discuss next steps.

What I found

Initial Evaluation (Homepage as of 4/5/2019)

  1. Users found the page to be 'busy' and 'cluttered' with too many deals and information about devices.
  2. Users wanted to know more about the network, coverage and benefits of being a Sprint customer.
  3. Lifestyle articles motivate people to read and motivate them to switch.
  4. The way device price was marketed is misleading.

First Design Iteration

  1. The UXRD team created three initial versions of homepage, each varying in how the content was ordered and visualized.
  2. Each version was made sure that the page contained a good mix of deals and benefits of being a customer.
  3. Users appreciated the short page length in each of the three designs.
  4. Users found the page layout to be ‘simple’, ‘minimal’, ‘sleek’, ‘hip’ and found the imagery to be inclusive.
  5. Users felt the benefits of being Sprint customer is well explained through illustrations.
  6. However, the page designs did not contain enough information about plans and coverage.

Second design iteration

  1. The findings from first iteration helped to create one unified design which incorporated most of the user feedback.
  2. When asked to describe the redesigned homepage, users frequently chose Professional, Creative, Trustworthy, Exciting and Inspiring .
  3. 89% users felt the homepage made them curious to explore the services and benefits offered by Sprint.
  4. In the open-ended feedback, users expressed they liked the playful illustrations and the simplicity of the page which makes it easy to navigate.
  5. 91% users believe the homepage clearly conveys the value of being a Sprint customer.
  6. Majority users felt the tone of the information presented to be Genuine and Friendly.

Before vs After: Sprint.com Homepage

Image 1:
Image 1: Sprint.com homepage which was live on 4/5/2019
Image 2: Redesigned
Image 2: Redesigned Sprint.com homepage based on data found through UX research

Team: Anthony Nash (UX Designer), Kia Lewis (AEM Developer), Lanae Evans (Visual Designer), Lauren Thomas (UX Copywriter), Silpa Vipparti (UX Researcher)